Under Yesterday’s Shadow

things are never quite as you remember
when you find you’ve been away
time takes its toll
memories fade
seasons pass
and take with them the days we knew
try as they might
no one can stop the clock
entropy is an inescapable truth
but something can always be made of the future
and sometimes the past comes back to life
so here’s to the world under yesterday’s shadow
and reforging paths we never got to take
righting the wrongs
reliving the magic
and to the future, whatever it may bring

Rather than do my now-usual “I’m still alive” post, I figured my most-recent piece of poetry would be a better return to active blogging. This one was inspired by a story I read online recently combining with my usual holiday season nostalgia and swirling together into something semi-poetic. 

Now, I hesitate to make any promises about regular postings anymore, all things considered, but I can say they will be a lot more consistent than they have been…