Under the Same Stars

Under the same stars
We lie alone
And I’m left to wonder why
Why we never had a chance
Why you never took the fall
Why I was set apart
I can look up in the sky
See a million shining lights
And yet not see a single gleam
To match that in your eyes
I toss and turn again
Wishing beyond hope
That you would change your mind
Bring your spark back to my life
So I could fan the flames
That burn inside your soul
But no
I try to sleep again
Restless in the silence
Knowing you’re still out there
And not here with me

Well crap. I was kinda hoping to not pop out another one of these tonight, but staring out my bedroom window apparently is enough of an inspiration these days to trigger my muse. I guess it’s called making up for lost time, considering that it’s been years since I’ve been anywhere near this productive. High school, I think, not counting a few creative burst periods that were a lot more spread out.

Audience of One

Every word I write
Every song I sing
Is for you
And maybe someday you’ll hear
Maybe someday you’ll know
Maybe someday you’ll see
The one standing here
Waiting, wishing
Hoping only for a chance
To prove himself to you
But now
Now I sing to an empty room
I speak to an empty chair
Waiting on an audience of one

This is another one of those poems where the first two lines popped into my head and wouldn’t let me sleep until I let them out.