Audience of One

Every word I write
Every song I sing
Is for you
And maybe someday you’ll hear
Maybe someday you’ll know
Maybe someday you’ll see
The one standing here
Waiting, wishing
Hoping only for a chance
To prove himself to you
But now
Now I sing to an empty room
I speak to an empty chair
Waiting on an audience of one

This is another one of those poems where the first two lines popped into my head and wouldn’t let me sleep until I let them out.

Half Past Forever

Half past forever
and you’re still on my mind
I can’t shake you
I close my eyes
And I see your face
I can’t hide from it
Can’t hide from you
Can’t hide from how I feel
How could I know?
One night, one moment
And I’m stuck
A fly in your web
As you spin away
And I’m left hanging
By your thread
Half past forever
A long time to go

I’ve had the phrase “half past forever” in the back of my mind for days. I finally decided to just use it and let whatever came after just flow. Of course it ended up based loosely on “no longer current” events.


When you smile
I’m lost
Your eyes
Shining bright
What lies behind
Pulls me deeper
The world is gone
Only you
And the promise
Of depths untold
Secrets unshared
You laugh
And I fall further
Joy surrounding
Lift us higher
Give me strength
We kiss
And I’m done
No resistance
All there is
All there can be
Is us
All is good
All is right
We belong
The fire alight
Desire ignited
As we touch
The promise
We burn
Higher and hotter
By the light
By the passion
Two as one

I have no earthly clue what brought this one on. Really. It just came to me as I was trying to go to sleep.

Make Me Fall

You say you’re crazy
well, I’m a little crazy too
call yourself selfish
I’ll play the give and take with you
you think you know me
well you don’t know me well enough
say I’m too easy
but I like my life a little rough

you say love is torture
and maybe you’re right
I say its time to find out
let’s start something tonight
something that could last forever
something that’s real and true
give me everything you’ve got babe
make me fall in love with you

tell me the truth now
you can’t hide behind the lies
your love can’t hurt me
you’ll never cut me down to size
trust me when I say, baby
I’ve read you like an open book
a modern classic
your words are worth a second look


just try and stop me
leave me broken if you can
I think you’ll find out
just how strong I really am
and when the smoke clears
I’ll still be standing, wait and see
you’ll find forever
when you give yourself to me


Well holy crap, I think I just wrote myself three verses of a song lyric. Thank you, “Blank Space” by Taylor Swift, for providing about half the inspiration for this, and thank you, source I probably shouldn’t name, for providing the other 50% or so. Now I just need a chorus and a title if I want it to be a real song, but it works perfectly well on its own as a poem IMO, so I’m posting it…

Later Edit: Got my chorus and my title. Love love love this. I see it with a folk/R&B, Ed Sheeran-ish style.

The Same Page & Your Illusions

Get your shit together
Go back to the start
Your head and your heart
should be on the same page
Remember what’s important
what’s real and what’s true
Be open, be free
Try anything, everything
Don’t be afraid to live

I’m not sure this one’s really finished, but this is the point where I started to break down writing it, so I’m calling it.

You don’t know me
not like you seem to think
How can that be?
13 years later
That’s what you remember
Who I was then
Who I was 8 years ago
Not who I am now
Not what I come to be
What I’ve been through
How I’ve changed and grown
Who I am inside
You write me off
based on false assumptions
old recollections
You made up your mind
far too long ago
So why am I fighting?
Why not just write you off?
It came so easy to you
I’m nothing to you now
just like I’ve been for years
An afterthought
To be used and tossed aside
(or at least that how it seems)
so why can’t I do that?
Why can’t I shut it off?
Why do I care what you think?
You’ll do as you want
with excuses galore
(as is your right)
and I’ll be left behind
as always
so fuck it
I’m done
done thinking
done fighting
done coming up with ways to convince you
because nothing will
The truth doesn’t matter
You have your illusions
You’ll do with as you wish
I’ll just have to come up with my own

Well, THAT was cathartic. Hope everyone enjoys the product of my near-breakdown. I sure feel better now that I let it all out. Too bad all this venting via poetry and blog does jack squat to fix the situation I’m in. I’m blaming this all on alcohol, though I’m not sure I can explain why…

Hold You Back

Standing in the shadows
As you claim the spotlight
Always the center of attention
Don’t forget to step on the little people
As you climb
Do you even remember?
Crying on my shoulder
Talking about nothing
Just being there
Didn’t mean a damn thing
Did it?
It did to me
But I’ve always been sentimental
Used me then
Use me now
I’ll find a way to be the victim
Even from the background
Play the fool again
Keep up your appearances
Shallow as they may be
I can’t give you what you want
But you’ll drain me anyway
As long as I let you
Why change now?
Why try something new?
We can have the same old failures
Your audience awaits
And far be it for me to hold you back

Another one of those “inspired by multiple people and events, but mostly one in particular” pieces. Pretty close to home, too, as it reflects the same spot I find/put myself in repeatedly. Ah well, what’s a poor fool to do?

Do Your Worst

use me
abuse me
chew me up
spit me out
drag me down
tear me apart
bleed me dry
do your worst
whatever it takes
I’ll get up
come back for more
stand my ground
take the blows
however dirty
however ugly
however selfish
however mean
I’ll take it all
if that’s what you need
because I love you

Wow, this one’s interesting. This one draws inspiration from something I can’t actually share. Suffice to say I know where this came from, this one’s been brewing for a couple days, it’s a bit more personal than anything else I’ve shared here, and if a certain someone reads this one I might have some ‘splaining to do…

Until You

You drop into my boring life
A splash of color
a ray of light
you give me something
I didn’t know I needed
you drag me places
I’d never dream of going
you fill a hole
I didn’t even know was there
and just as quick you’re gone
a flicker, a flutter
and back to the empty spaces
back to the monochrome
back to the boring life
and to the something missing I never knew I needed
…until you.

Looks like this weekend is gonna be a goldmine for me creatively. Personally/emotionally, not so much, but such is life, I suppose. This one is kind of a follow-up to the last one, as time marches on and more things happen. Again, I don’t share specifics on here too often, so I won’t say what’s going on exactly. Just consider these snapshots in time as to how I’m feeling as things unfold (or, more accurately, don’t unfold)

Into Her Soul

I saw into her soul last night
Only a glimpse
Only a flutter
But it was there just the same
For mere moments
We connected
We united
And I could feel her
So close
So near
I lost myself again in depths forgotten
Her grip on my heart once again fastened
And here I am again
Lost in someone
Someone that will never be mine
But how can I be free
When I saw her soul
When we connected
When we could be so much for each other?

So this one’s inspired by the same events as my earlier post “Missed Opportunities”. I can’t get into details too heavily, natch, but I’ve found myself in a situation where I could’ve had exactly what I’ve wanted since high school and instead talked myself out of it.  I’m still waiting to hear from…well, someone, since the events, and I’m a little anxious to see/hear what happens…

Draw Me In

You intrigue me
Draw me in
Pull me in a new direction
Upward, onward
Into your orbit
The light in your eyes
A golden glow, reflected
The warmth of your smile
Am endless wonder
You speak to me
Wisdom wrapped in riddles
Without words, without sound
Tempting, teasing
With the promise of discovery
Ever I explore
Never lost
Never left behind
Following the path
Set down by your soul

I can’t really say where this one came from. And I don’t mean that in a secretive way. This one just popped into my head in pieces while reading email this morning. Forced its way out of me, it did.