I’m gonna lose you
…I never really had you
but still
I’m gonna lose you
I’m pushing you away
into the arms of a bright future
where you belong
free to be you
at your best
it’s what you need
it’s what you deserve
so why does it leave me
feeling so lost?
Tag: love
I could stare into your eyes forever
Let the world outside fall away
What else could I need but you
And your endless possibilities
Spread out before me
Like a country road
Twisting, turning
Full of wonder and discovery
Say you’ll stay
Never let these moments slip away
Cling to the chance of new horizons
There’s so much more in store
So much left behind that smile
For us to find together
Don’t let go
Don’t let this end
We’ve yet to find the best to come
Just fall into my soul
As I’ve found myself in yours
And let us face the dawn of new days
The world a wonder spread before us
Two as one
Huh. This is what comes of the perfect combination of influences and experiences at the right moment, with a dash of insomnia to blend it all together. Possibly my favorite thing I’ve ever written, and it’s only existed for 5 minutes or so as of me writing this.
Join Together
Let the world fall away
into endless fantasy
Hold on tight
To this adventure
Wherever it may lead
Dance with me
To music only we can hear
Fall into my arms again
Let me see the spark in your eyes
May we shine together
The lights that lead us home
Rise up
Leave behind the ashes
Toss aside your cares
Let us join together
Just you and I
caught up in a moment
that never seems to end…
Huh, not at all sure where this one came from. Really, just had that first line pop into my head and as soon as I wrote it down the rest forced its way out. I swear, my inspiration comes in fits and spurts…
The Missing Pieces
but here I am left bleeding
‘Cause I didn’t see it coming
when you stabbed me in the back
and though I’m sure I’ll live to tell the tale
I can’t help wondering about the missing pieces
I thought we were headed
in the same direction
and yet I’m stuck here in the dark
as you disappear
What happened to the sparks I felt
when looking in your eyes?
How did you cut the cord
between our souls?
When was it that you realized
that I wasn’t enough for you?
How’d the whole thing die this silent death?
I guess my world just wasn’t big enough to hold you
I always tried to hold you higher
Guess it was my time to fall
I’ll likely never know the reasons
or the truth behind deception
I’m buried under questions that you’ll never hear me ask
I think my muse is trying to overwhelm me after being silent for quite some time. Another piece drawn from music (seems that listening to The Weeknd after a little light drinking is just enough t oget the mental juices flowing), this is another one I’m kinda proud of…
Has Me Thinking
Has me wishing
That you might like to dance
Take a chance and roll the dice
On you and I tonight
And in the morning light
We might find something more
On the the other side
Of this door that I’m afraid to open
Too afraid to find the answers
Might not fit the questions
That I find myself asking
But I’d like nothing more
Than the find out if we’re up to the task
Give me a shot, a sign, a signal
That it’s not all in my head
Before this desire leaves me broken
Grab my hand and let me take you
To the places only I can show you
Let me know you as more than just a fantasy..
Three ideas competing in my head that just wouldn’t come out gave way to this one out of nowhere. I think this is my favorite thing I’ve written in a long time…
Something and Nothing
We could have been something
Something bright and beautiful
Something strong
Something everlasting
Something worth fighting for
Something worth living and dying for
But wondering what might have been
Won’t make something out of nothing
I really shouldn’t listen to sad love songs when sleep-deprived. It only ends in depressing inspiration.
If I’d Only Kept My Mouth Shut
but somehow it was like looking into the sun
a blinding flash, a hint of something new
something beautiful and full of promise
I’d never been so off my guard
wrapped up in the moment
lost in your twinkling eyes
if I stop to think about it I can still taste your lips
still feel our tongues dancing
still hear my nervous laughter
too busy trying to regain my mental balance to just shut up and enjoy the moment
if I’d just been a little weaker or a little dumber who knows where we’d be now
but no, I wanted something different
something more and less at the same time
and somewhere in the middle of this tidal wave
I found my footing, held my ground
it took so much not to be swept away
not to get caught in your undertow
but no, I had to be reasonable, had to be rational
even as the emotions of the moment made me say things I knew better than to reveal
out of something so full of possibility
I found the way to the worst of both worlds
I haven’t seen you since
have barely spoken, despite our insistence on staying in touch
it was just a moment, and moments pass
the right thing done in the wrong way
all I can do is look back on the night and wonder
I so often think that things might be different if I’d only said the right thing
that it’s almost funny and rather sad to know
that everything might’ve been better here
if I’d only kept my mouth shut
The inspiration for this one’s subject matter is semi-obvious, going back to the subject of pretty much every other poem I’ve written in here over the past couple months now. The style, though, is a little different than usual thanks to a recent obsession with slam poetry. I went out of my way to sound this one out in my head as I wrote it, and as a result I know EXACTLY how I’d read it if it were to be performed. And if I ever have the guts, I might just record myself doing so for the hell of it…
Your heart beating in tune with mine
I want to touch you
Taste you
Feel you
Lying next to me
Your skin so soft as my fingers explore
Every line, every fold, every expanse
Our tongues dance in delight
My lips take in your flavors
No rush, no reason to hurry
We should savor the sensory overload
I’ll take you higher and higher
Farther, faster
Delving deeper
Peel back the layers
You are a masterpiece
Built for pleasure
And I am the vessel
Meant to discover
What lies beneath your folds
Huh. Well, I did have an ex-girlfriend (of sorts) always try to get me to write what she called a “sex poem”. Here you go, quite some years later! Not sure of the actual inspiration, or if there even really is one…
The Eyes
Are you?
The walls are up
The facade nice and solid
The smile too wide
But I know better
Better than you could ever dream
I’ve built my own walls before
Hid behind my own facade
And there’s one thing I’ve learned
The eyes
They never lie
The holes in the armor
The reflections of honesty
Hide all you wish
Hold back everything
Lock it up deep inside
But there’s always a path
Always a portal
I won’t claim to have the key
The gates are still sealed shut
But as long as I can look
In those holes
In those eyes
Those eyes that show so much
Then I can hold out hope
To break your free
Insomnia’s a bitch. Insomnia coupled with connecting the dots on something I should’ve realized a LOT sooner is an even bigger bitch…
Later edit: This should’ve been posted last night/this morning, but right before finishing it I pretty much passed out at my tablet. For the best, considering the near-spam level of posting I did last night/this morning. Anyway, after sleep I realized this could be a retread of a very old poem of mine with the same title. Not the first time I ripped myself off, and likely not the last…
Under the Same Stars
We lie alone
And I’m left to wonder why
Why we never had a chance
Why you never took the fall
Why I was set apart
I can look up in the sky
See a million shining lights
And yet not see a single gleam
To match that in your eyes
I toss and turn again
Wishing beyond hope
That you would change your mind
Bring your spark back to my life
So I could fan the flames
That burn inside your soul
But no
I try to sleep again
Restless in the silence
Knowing you’re still out there
And not here with me
Well crap. I was kinda hoping to not pop out another one of these tonight, but staring out my bedroom window apparently is enough of an inspiration these days to trigger my muse. I guess it’s called making up for lost time, considering that it’s been years since I’ve been anywhere near this productive. High school, I think, not counting a few creative burst periods that were a lot more spread out.