Watching As You Walk Away

Watching as you walk away
(like I haven’t been here before)
Standing still
not sure what to say or do
Reach out
Fall down
Give up
Is there any difference now?
How can I change your mind?
How can I convince you
to slow down
turn around
maybe even listen?
I can’t, I know
I’ve tried it all before
So instead I’ll save the time
the pain
the wasted effort
and let you walk away
just like all the rest…

Well isn’t this just a depressing bit o’ fluff? This one was one of those “musical inspiration” moments, thankfully, with a slight splash of far-from-recent personal experience to draw from. 

Why Pretend

Yes, I’m a fool
for thinking things would change
Left behind again
Oh, there you are
already miles down the road
(how do I look in your rear view?)
and I’m still standing here
wishing, waiting
wanting something I’ll never have
Why does this always happen?
One step forward,
back to the start
staring at the taillights
until the next time you need me
because I’m not what you want right now
because that would mean feeling something
just hurry up and run me down
get it out of the way
we both know it’s coming
so why pretend?

Do It All Again

We do it all again
The pleasantries
the catching up
the awkward smiles
It’s life on repeat
with nothing in between
We say we’ll call
we’ll stay in touch
(this time we might even mean it)
but we never follow through
We’ll drift on
our separate lives
and never even notice
until the next time
Empty words
broken promises
forever cycling
maybe we were friends once
but now we hardly know each other
and maybe it’s better that way…

And now we’re to the down cycle, folks. Just a little bitter, cynical take on the whole “old friends meeting up” thing. Apparently, this is what happens when I try to write another “sappy, crappy love poem” when I’m not exactly feeling the love anymore…