Inside The Echoes

I’m losing it again
adrift amongst it all
crashing through the waves
reaching for theĀ end
falling into nothing
from the something that I know
not sure where this goes
afraid to see the truth
to find out where this leads
searching for familiar
amidst the foreign features
I don’t like where I’ve been
but there at least I’d found
something to call my own
a sense of right, of real
this is not that place
this cold, chaotic rush
not sure which way’s up
(down, that’s all around)
lost inside the echoes
swallowed by the shadows
too blind to see the light

How’s this for the first thing I’ve written in what seems like forever? Not sure what brought this one one, probably one-part fever dream (was hit pretty hard by some kind of something the last couple days), one part vaguely early mid-life crisis, and one-part reading about experiences with depression online while I’m too keyed up to get the sleep I should be getting.