It just hit me again
How I’ll never be the one
You’ll always be another’s love
In someone else’s arms
There’s a hole here in my life
Shaped perfectly for you
That you’ll never fill
And it hurts
But at least I get to see you
At least I get to help you
At least I get to lift you up
As my back is breaking
And my heart is aching
And it’s all I can do to hold back the tears
Because I’ll never mean to you
What you mean to me
And I guess that’s okay…
Category: Uncategorized
Oh, sweet torture
I wallow in the pain
watching you
wishing I could give you everything
knowing I’ll never be the one
Ah, that’s the way
twist the knife in my own heart
the wound isn’t quite deep enough
I can still feel
I close my eyes
and see your smile
and find myself wishing
that it was me you were smiling for
Tell me again
how much you care for him
I haven’t felt this burn in far too long
Bathe me
in the light that shines from your eyes
when you think of him
so that it may burn its way
into my soul.
How many faces do you have?
Do you carry them in a pocket?
Do you keep them in jars?
Can they be left out overnight?
How do you decide
which you to show the world today?
Do you swap them out at will?
Do you even realize that you do it?
Or is it so ingrained
so natural
that a new you takes over every time?
Because I can see
the cracks in the armor
The facade is fading,
but I’m not good enough,
not strong enough
to force my way inside.
Underneath it all
there’s a light shining,
a promise of something beautiful.
There’s a real person in there,
trying to break free,
but only you hold the key
and you keep putting on masks
to hide that beauty away
I never quite seem
To get what I want
I always have to settle
For second best
(at best)
But maybe in this case
Second best isn’t so bad
If I can help you
As much as you’ve helped me
Make it through rough days
Then it’ll all be worth it
If I can be for you
What you’ve been for me
Then who am I to ask for more?
I’ll be grateful for what I’ve been given
And thankful just to be close
And who knows?
Maybe one day I’ll be your second best
And you’ll have to settle, too.
I have nothing to offer you
But I’ll give you all I can
All the support
All the encouragement
All the time and attention
All the love and affection
Everything in my power to give
I’ll hand over gladly
But you deserve so much more
Than I’ll ever be able to give
Be Free
You need to be free
to fly away
to become what you were always meant to be
You need room to grow
to find yourself
to finish what you started
when you first stepped on the path
Don’t hide away
don’t hold back out of fear of what might be
Step into the sun
soak up the rays and let them empower you
Stand up
There’s so much more you have to offer
Take those steps
don’t avoid the struggles
Embrace them
Fight through the battles
to the spoils on the other side
Be what you were meant to be
Be free
Put on the smile
Hide behind the jokes again
It’s what you always do
Never let ’em see you sweat
The strong one
The silent one
The wisecracker
Don’t let them in
Don’t show weakness
Don’t let the guard down
Don’t ever slow down
Don’t stop now
But you can’t keep running and hiding forever
Someday you’ll hit the wall
Someday the end will come
And where will you be?
No one can tell what you’re thinking
You never let them see
Because they should know, right?
Suck it up
Take it on the chin
Keep following those tracks
Right off the cliff
Here I Go Again
Here I go again
Falling too hard,
Too far
Too fast
I’d just filled in the hole
From last time
And she’s just as unavailable
And just as uninterested
And just as perfect
And I’m just as much a fool
As every single time before
You’d think I’d learn
You’d think I’d look before I leap
Just once
Just one single, solitary time
But no
I jump head-first
And plummet all this way
You’re not the kind of girl I’ve ever met before
(more like the kind of girl I’ve always been looking for)
you won’t be what I wanted
not quite what I expected
but you might just end up being what I need.
The Show Is Over
The show is over
so where’s the curtain?
The spotlight’s shining
right in my eyes
and I can’t see
but I hear the crowd still out there
all eyes on me
But I’m done
I can’t
there’s nothing left for me to say
no blocking
no direction
no end scene
Only dead air
and silence
and stares of disappointed expectations
No applause
No bows
no curtain call
no that’s a wrap
Just me
and them
and an act I can’t keep up.