Just a little word
before you walk away again
and leave me here
with only the walls to talk to
as I bleed myself dry
onto these metaphorical pages
like shouting into a vacuum
no one’s really listening
reaching out so desperately
for acknowledgement and connection
but the lines are down
no one’s at the other end
to give a damn
everyone has a life to lead
and maybe if we led them
a little more together
no one would have to feel alone
adriift in a sea of endless isolation
but here I am
tilting at the windmills again
just call me Don Quixote
and let me argue with these four walls
maybe the drywall will understand
as this time
instead of grasping
at the last shreds of sanity
I let it and them just slip away
and fall into the breakdown
maybe there will be someone there
to catch me as I fall apart…