The Truth Laid Bare

All the signs were there for me to read

if I only could’ve cleared my head

of all the fantastic visions

and dreams that took hold

never to let go

I should’ve known the moment

that I opened up too far

and let too much of me spill forth

that she could never hold onto

so much of the truth

of who I am and how I felt

It asked too much of her

to even pretend to care

a fraction of the same amount,

yet I didn’t even have to try to fall

How much of me would I

have had to cast aside

to make myself small enough

to fit inside those hands and heart?

So easy to reflect upon such foolishness,

but it wasn’t so foolish then,

blinded by a connection made real

through nothing but imagination

It crumbled under my weight so soon,

as surely as I should’ve seen.

The impact of that last step hurt,

but not so much as if I’d been given

what I sought only to realize

it wasn’t what I believed.

So here’s to getting up and walking away

from all that I convinced myself

could hold me up,

collapsed beneath the heaviness

of the truth laid bare