The Path That Lies Ahead

I drempt of you last night

and what might happen if

entirely through happenstance

we were to meet up once again

in some random corner of this

ever expanding world

Would we recognize each other,

the people we’ve turned out to be?

With all those scars and memories

between us now and who we were

when we were young and insincere

who knows where the road might lead?

But with the miles and the years gone by

things could, would never be the same

as they might have been

But maybe we could find something

to take the place of fantasies

better left for other worlds and timelines

Or more likely that we never cross again

outside of idle thoughts that flitter through

It is not ours to see the destination,

only the path that lies ahead

and our roads seem to only intersect s

omewhere in that rear-view mirror

I so often get lost in