
It’s funny how things change,

how what used to mean the world

slips away with time and distance

perhaps to be forgotten

or to live on as no more than memory,

a piece of the puzzle of your experience

what made you what you are

in this moment and beyond.

Though those days and people leave their marks,

the scars and souvenirs of life long lived,

there’s always something else

to be found around that next corner,

something waiting to take the place

of that which has been left behind.

There’s nothing certain but uncertainty,

the spinning wheels of time and change

that carry us ever forward,

away from some and to what yet waits

It’s so hard to tell

just what impressions will be made,

what little pieces left behind

will stick with us for more of the journey

and what will fade as our lives turn…

Know Naught of What You See

How much did you lose or let go of

to find that which you clutch so tightly?

You’ve changed those colors so often,

how can you know what’s real?

What little left inside of you,

is that all you truly are?

The convictions so casually cast away

must never have had much meaning

to be forsaken in your endless search

for the answers and the truth

How easy it seems to be to strip away

so much that makes you who you are,

like the changing of a wardrobe

dress in that new identity

But take care in what you throw away

to never lose sight of your soul

or one day you’ll look into the mirror

and know naught of what you see

The Truth Laid Bare

All the signs were there for me to read

if I only could’ve cleared my head

of all the fantastic visions

and dreams that took hold

never to let go

I should’ve known the moment

that I opened up too far

and let too much of me spill forth

that she could never hold onto

so much of the truth

of who I am and how I felt

It asked too much of her

to even pretend to care

a fraction of the same amount,

yet I didn’t even have to try to fall

How much of me would I

have had to cast aside

to make myself small enough

to fit inside those hands and heart?

So easy to reflect upon such foolishness,

but it wasn’t so foolish then,

blinded by a connection made real

through nothing but imagination

It crumbled under my weight so soon,

as surely as I should’ve seen.

The impact of that last step hurt,

but not so much as if I’d been given

what I sought only to realize

it wasn’t what I believed.

So here’s to getting up and walking away

from all that I convinced myself

could hold me up,

collapsed beneath the heaviness

of the truth laid bare

The Path That Lies Ahead

I drempt of you last night

and what might happen if

entirely through happenstance

we were to meet up once again

in some random corner of this

ever expanding world

Would we recognize each other,

the people we’ve turned out to be?

With all those scars and memories

between us now and who we were

when we were young and insincere

who knows where the road might lead?

But with the miles and the years gone by

things could, would never be the same

as they might have been

But maybe we could find something

to take the place of fantasies

better left for other worlds and timelines

Or more likely that we never cross again

outside of idle thoughts that flitter through

It is not ours to see the destination,

only the path that lies ahead

and our roads seem to only intersect s

omewhere in that rear-view mirror

I so often get lost in

Your Sins Reflected

Staring at the fun house mirror

seeing your sins reflected

and distorted in the glass

Watching this parade of errors

like gazing in the looking glass,

viewing a potential future

a glimpse into the darkest time line

The worst parts of you on grand display

for all the world to witness

at least a little solace drawn

to see it from someone else instead

But knowing that could have been you

and the depths you could have sunk

leads to little comfort

as you’re forced to face it all

Hard truths to swallow and to learn from

as you witness another’s self-destruction