It’s easy to say with such certainty
the paths we’re meant to follow
But the challenge that we find
is in the following
To take that straight and narrow path
without falling to temptation
or succumbing to the struggle
supposed to drive us onward
that just makes limbs so weak
and hearts so heavy
Such a simple thing, to fall
to fail in what we know we should
to cling to what’s no longer there
until the strength we have to move
has bled through tightened fingertips
and left us without will to care
But we must never falter long
We know the path we’re meant to take
and through the darker moments
We find the light that shines our way
And somehow through it all
we crawl through the broken glass
until we can find our feet
and carry on
Month: May 2022
All You Need
Sometimes that little hint of truth
you fight so long to find
that glinting, glimmering treasure
the message and meaning of it all
means so little once you’ve found it
Changes nothing and sheds no light
and all that time and effort
is just wasted in the struggle
Crawling through the wreckage
looking for that shine of hope
Sometimes survival is all there is
Life goes on with or without it
The how’s and why’s juet can’t erase
the pain you felt in finding out
That pain that means you lived through it
just might be all you need
As The Curtain Falls
Always with that role to play
Never have to learn the lines
The same old same old every time
Nothing new under the sun
You’d think the world would tire soon
But it keeps spinning round and round
And here I am stuck as the fool
Always close but never there
Like horseshoes and hand grenades
Almost but not quite with it all
Just out of my reach again
So here come the tippy toes
Maybe if I stretch just right
I can, for a moment, feel
What it’d be to have you close
But it’s not mine to have so much
So I walk away again
Those lines no longer need rehearsed
They spill forth so readily
I don’t even have to look
As the leading man walks in
Right on cue to steal away
What I’d give it all to have
As the curtain falls once more
All to start again anew
Another chapter, the same verse
Let’s go through the script again…
Stories We Can’t Forget
Scars tell stories of who we are
Where we’ve been and what we’ve seen
All the flames through which we’ve walked
And jagged edges forced to hold
And sometimes those scars refuse to heal
Those marks of moments long gone by
They stain us through beyond the surface
Easy to miss through outside eyes
As they blend into the tapestry
But we feel them still the same
They tend to tear at the slightest whim
Spilling blood at moment’s notice
Filling distance meant to dull
So that we feel the pain again
Submerged again in suffering
Through the smallest slights and slips
The scabs fall loose and salt pours in
Those moments meant to make us
Become stories we can’t forget