
I could’ve carried you
to the ends of the Earth
These shoulders are carved
and shaped to be stood upon
I’d have lifted you higher
than the eagles dare soar
far above even the horizon
and the rockets so high into space
But the heights I provided
were too much for one
so sure of and eager to
hiding in the shadows
The light I reflected
left you blinded and lost
You’d much rather burrow
and lie underneath

Keep On Turning

Does yonder window break tonight

or is it still sealed tight?

You could have it so much better

if you only dared to take

that first step out the door

There’s a great big world out here

so much more left on offer

But it’ll keep on turning

no matter what you do or don’t

It’ll pass you right on by

and leave you in that gilded cage

if you value comfort over opportunity

and let the moments pile up

and barricade you in

Call and Answer

Bang your head against that wall again

to see if you can make it stick

This time will certainly be different

(hope you can hear my eyes roll to the heavens)

This can’t possibly be the wrong direction

You’d know it if it was, after all

It only takes you further from the truth

You don’t know what you’re looking for

so how could you ever find it?

You say you’ll know it when you get there

but where, exactly, are you going?

All I see is circles that you’ve worn into this road

and the footprints heading out there door

from where all the others threw their hands

and walked away from you

Keep tilting at those windmills

and fighting all the battles

against imaginary enemies

that hold no real importance

Call me when you realize the objects that surround you

aren’t what’s really there to hold you back

but don’t count on me to wait around and answer

Carry With Me

These scars I’ll carry with me always

They never seem to heal

It takes but a moment’s idle thought

for the wound to be forced open

Never quite as wide

and the pain dulls with time

but random pangs of rememberance

still strike now and again

Not sure what’s left to learn

or how to leave behind

whatever ghosts of days gone by

that bring about these flashes

The spikes that strike my soul

the pangs of what came long before

and what might have been ahead

That Song

I heard that song again the other day

The one you were convinced meant something else

I hadn’t thought of it or you in what seems like forever

Surely my life was better off that way

One of the things that haunts me from my past mistakes

Not sure which one was bigger or more avoidable

One of those moments I doubt I’ll ever fully understand

Should’ve learned from you that closure is never guaranteed

And wrong moves can be made for the right reasons

Not everything is meant to have a happy ending

And what once anchored you can be turned to lead astray

I try so hard to leave what came before where it belongs

But I can’t help wondering where I might be today

Had the moments passed a different way


Don’t let what you think you see

blind you to the truth

That exactly what you’re looking for

is already in your hands

about to slip between those fingers

you use to blindly feel your way

through the shadows in which you hide

to save yourself from the light of day

The brightness of which burns right through

the lies you’ve clutched so long for comfort

so tight that there’s no space between

for honesty to set you free

You are your own prisoner

and nothing else can save you