Safe and Silent

How many times I’ve tried

To crawl out of the shadows

Just for the sun to scorch me

And wind chill to the bone

My soul yearns to be seen

But when I stop to set it free

It always ends up broken

I have to hold if carefully

Lest it fall apart again

That mess others have made for me

I can’t clean up again

So instead I hide

Pull the shades down over me

Let the bright and shiny things

Pass by like they are nothing

I’ll stick to the darkness here

In safe and silent times

Tis the Season, I Suppose

Tis the season, I suppose
to feel the chill of something missing
That meaning you’ve been searching for
and still eludes you to this day
It always slips through tightened fingers
disappears into the void
so loose and fleeting
you’re never really sure what’s there
All you know is, for a moment
it felt so real and warm and true
But moments always have an ending
and now you’re left with memories
that sting with loss and acrimony
to match the icy air beyond


It’s the little things the isolation takes

The silence overwhelming

But nothing’s there to fill the space

Divided from the meaning

The empty void grows larger

But the search is ever going

And only feeds the emptiness

When perceptions fails

And the truth reveals the weakness

A lacking of connection

To the world and something greater

Lost sight of the purpose

I don’t know how to feel

Just A Little Effort

Say what you think
and mean what you say
We all have a place in the game
and no one wins without trying
The road to Hell is really paved
with whatever they could find
Intentions matter very little
when the end is lacking
and nothing lasts forever
So no need to hold on tight
just keep moving forward
A life lived to its fullest
takes just a little effort
to make it all worthwhile