Simple, Precious Gift

You were always something special when you smiled

And I’m thankful for the chances I was given

To share in something beautiful that few could ever see

If only I had known how short a time I’d get to savor

That simple, precious gift I had been handed

I know that I’m too soft and sentimental

For the moments and the memories long gone

But so often I find they’re all I have to hold

As little as they were to you they mean the world to me

And though it will likely never grace my vision again

I can always look back on that smile as a moment lost in time

And think of what it meant to me those days

Dig Myself Out

Just go ahead, get up, and walk away

Leave it all behind and don’t look back

Quit holding up that last remaining pillar

I don’t need to stand on it for long

Let it all come crashing to the ground

You’ll escape the wreckage sight unseen

No need to hear the cries or see the tears

Your conscience and your hands will be left clean

You’ll be free and clear to find your way

I’ll dig myself back out again someday

The Part You Play

Make sure that no one else can see
the part you play in the destruction
Stick the knife in silently
so that it all hits at once
And when the autopsy is done
bury the scar beneath the rest
Twist it all for sympathy
Come out smelling like a rose
while what’s left of me will rot
hoping to return someday
as the little voice inside
that chips away at your conscience

A Little Broken

We’re all a little broken here

Just looking for the glue

To bind ourselves together

Long enough to make it through

If only it was easier

To keep our jagged edges

From cutting others passing by

As we try to wander

We all might find a way

To reassemble piece by piece

And come to finally see

What artistry we’re meant to represent