She’s waiting out there somewhere
Just out of sight, I know
Poised and at the ready
And when I think I’m finally free
She’ll blindside me in her usual way
Because that’s who we are, I guess
I don’t have any better clue
I’ve long sought to understand
How I stumbled into this
Locked in ever-present torture
So sure I was of some success
There I went again
Looking for the meaning
Where none was to be found
And instead of some great thing
A lasting lifetime link
I wrapped myself in chains
And every time I try to fight
To break free of the binds
They loosen only long enough
For one of us to draw them tight
If only I had known
And never turned to look this way
Instead I handed her the power
A home, rent-free, inside my head
That neither of us want
A lesson learned in frustration
The clashing of our selves
That I can’t seem to set aside
No matter what I try