A Crazy Dream

I’ve never been one to believe
in something I can’t see or feel
I don’t go chasing fantasies
when there’s nothing solid there
But I had a crazy dream
not so very long ago
and I’m about to follow it
for good or for ill
I’ll likely crash and burn again
(nothing good can come of this)
I’ll break my heart and crush myself
but maybe I should set aside
all of the regrets I hold
the what if’s and what could be’s
and just go for something dumb
If I fail, I fall again
no better and just slightly worse
but if I make it there
who know what my life could be
There’s no logic to be found
in this step I seek to take
but logic’s rules have gotten me here
so maybe this is what I need
to break free and find my way
to some shred of happiness
as long as I accept the fact
that I might just never see
what I’m trying to find…