I don’t remember how to stop
Stopping leads to thinking
And all my thoughts turn now
To what it is about me
That forces everyone I get close to
To run away
And I’ll never understand
When all I try to be
Is the person that I’d want
Someone else to be for me
Maybe that’s the problem
What I need to learn
Is how to stop looking for me
In everyone around me
And how to be what they need
Or maybe just not even care
And just be who I am
But that’s now where I’m at today
And I’m not sure I’ll ever be
I’ll live and love and care
As I always have
But I’m not sure my fragile psyche
Can take another walk away
From another friend
So I just keep going
Because moving keep the thoughts at bay
And I don’t have to speak
And I don’t have to feel
I just have to move
And that’s okay