That Look

I’m searching for someone

To give me that look

The look that draws me in

That shows me their soul

That look that I can fall into

And never find my way out

That look that pulls me under

And never lets me go

That look that centers me

At the heart of the world

That look that means everything

Will be all right now

Because I’m there

That look

That you used to give me

Until it all went wrong


When you find someone that cares

Don’t ever let that slip away

True caring is so rare these days

And we need whatever help we can

To survive this broken world

We’ve made it harder on ourselves

Than it ever should’ve been

To forge any real connections

Between us cogs in the great machine

So hold onto the ones that try

The ones that give themselves away

That only want to watch you grow

For they are the rarest lot

And the most vulnerable

To the dangers life can hold

Anything Can Happen

Anything can happen
and circumstances change
but to live your life thinking
“Maybe, just maybe…”
is a dangerous trap
Maybe she’ll come back
maybe they’ll recognize you
maybe all your hard work will pay off
…and maybe aliens will land
Maybe you’ll fall off a cliff
maybe your left hand will fall off
in an industrial accident
You can’t live life on maybes
You can’t let them guide you
You can’t let them hold you back
Anything CAN happen
but it won’t


All this time

Searching for where I belong

But there’s no place for me

And little left to work for

No one here around me

And why would there be?

I have nothing to offer

Nothing to show for the effort

Everything I touch falls apart

Everyone I meet has to walk away

Everything I’ve ever had I’ve thrown away

And here I am with nothing to hold onto

Quite A Little Home

There’s no way in here anymore

No cracks or crevices

The doors are sealed

Windows sealed and boarded up

And the lights have long since been shut off

The last one that got inside

Made quite the hole on her way out

Poor thing had no idea what she was doing

When she found her passage in

We built her quite a little home

But a house just wasn’t what she wanted

She couldn’t take being that closed in

Or maybe she just never belonged here

Only she knows the reason why

But she forced those doors open quite violently

Let quite the tidy little hole

And now that I’ve cleaned up all the wreckage

I’m quite convinced I’m fine inside alone

I don’t need another mess to clean up

I don’t need to build another place

And I won’t let anyone come in here

And destroy what I’ve created for myself

The Answers

If you know the meaning

Of every word I’ve written

Then I wish you’d stop and fill me in

Because sometimes I’m just lost

You keep coming back and reading

As if these pages matter

Like there’s something I could say here

That would magically make things right

But nothing ever changes

I sit here still in silence

And every time I’ve come to terms

With the way things have to be

I find that you’ve come back here

To take another peek

And all the unanswered questions

Fill my head with pointless noise

You have what you wanted

So let me find myself

In a world away from you

Unless you have the answers

I Wasn’t Anymore

You broke me without trying

You made me feel useful

You gave me a place I felt I belonged

As if magic

When I needed it most

Them you vanished

You made a space for me

Then pushed me out

Slammed the door behind me

And locked it

And now I’ve been out here

Back in the cold and lonely

For so long I’ve forgotten

How safe and warm it felt inside

You used me and tossed me aside

Like last year’s toy

Amazing and wonderful then

Boring and useless now

You gave me self-worth

And stole it away

And I’m struggling to set myself free

From needing your approval

Because I’ll never have it again

And I know it

But your approval meant so much

For the fleeting bit of time you gave it

That I find myself unable

To forget how it felt

To be what you wanted

Right until I wasn’t anymore

To Live And Die

“If it was meant to be…”
is a phrase that starts a lie
that we tell ourselves so often
We do it to keep going
through a world so harsh and broken
that never gives us anything
and a life we live to suffer
“It just HAS to get better…”
we hear ourselves whisper
but it doesn’t have to anything
Nothing has to make sense
There’s no such thing as order
Perfection is a myth
and there’s always something else
We never reach the end
until the final curtain falls
Life is pain and suffering
It’s climbing up the mountain
only to find the horizon
is still just as blocked
Learning lessons from your failures
not knowing that each twist and turn
brings a different set of choices
and a different set of failures
and you will never be satisfied
because there’s always another option
always something else you could’ve had
We aren’t meant for anything
but to live and die
the in-between is what you find
to fill the time you’ve got
Nothing is forever
everything will pass
be it beautiful or terrible
something else will find a way
I’ll just keep going
because there is no other way
and maybe someday I’ll find something
that makes this all worthwhile
but I don’t hold out much hope
of stumbling over something
which I’m not completely sure
even exists