“If it was meant to be…”
is a phrase that starts a lie
that we tell ourselves so often
We do it to keep going
through a world so harsh and broken
that never gives us anything
and a life we live to suffer
“It just HAS to get better…”
we hear ourselves whisper
but it doesn’t have to anything
Nothing has to make sense
There’s no such thing as order
Perfection is a myth
and there’s always something else
We never reach the end
until the final curtain falls
Life is pain and suffering
It’s climbing up the mountain
only to find the horizon
is still just as blocked
Learning lessons from your failures
not knowing that each twist and turn
brings a different set of choices
and a different set of failures
and you will never be satisfied
because there’s always another option
always something else you could’ve had
We aren’t meant for anything
but to live and die
the in-between is what you find
to fill the time you’ve got
Nothing is forever
everything will pass
be it beautiful or terrible
something else will find a way
I’ll just keep going
because there is no other way
and maybe someday I’ll find something
that makes this all worthwhile
but I don’t hold out much hope
of stumbling over something
which I’m not completely sure
even exists