I gave her what she wanted
And that’s why I still hurt
I cared more strongly
I felt most deeply
And in the end
I’m the one that needed her
But she couldn’t fill that role
I’m still not sure I can face that
Facing that means moving on
And I’m not sure I can
Not without closure
Not without comment
Not without breaking this silence
This deafening roar of nothing
That our differences pushed us to
All the care and concern I have
Won’t hide the selfish need
I need to know she hears me
I need to know that she once cared
I need to know that she’s all right
And better off without me
It’s not easy to give up
Everything you ever wanted
Even when that everything
Wasn’t ever yours
So if she hears me
All I ask is that she say so
Please cut through this seperation
If only for a moment
Grant me the peace I don’t deserve
But badly need to find