
I’ve always found self worth
In being there for others
And in my haste to try and claim
More than I deserved
I sacrificed my value
Instead of being what she needed
When she actually needed it
I threw that all away
By complete and utter accident
Not knowing that in doing so
I’d fail at doing the only thing
I always though I could do well
I tossed aside my loyalty
Left somewhere in the aftermath
Set down the strength I have to give
In my moments of weakness
My shoulders were meant to be cried upon
My arms were made for holding up
And yet I stand here far away
From one whose burdens need carrying
This is what I was meant for
Instead I gave up on meaning
I was supposed to be your friend
What kind of friend did I come to be?
Not much of one after all
I wish I could go back
Make myself understand what would come
But no, we both are left to suffer
For the sins of my ego
I should be doing something now
Helping you face what’s going on
Instead I’m mourning what should’ve been
While she deals with everything
With the people that didn’t fail her