
I’ve been staring at this screen for what feels like forever
Trying to find a different set of words to say
In ways that haven’t been said a million times over
Exactly what I’m thinking and feeling
But right now I’m just lost and numb
Worrying about someone that’s none of my business
Hearing bits and pieces through the grapevines
And hoping I’m hearing things wrong
Because I can’t possibly live with the thought
That she’s out there suffering through that
And I can’t even give words of comfort
All this bitter back and forth in my head
Doesn’t mean a damn thing right now
I wish there was something I could do
Some way to reach out
But there’s nothing that would be welcome right now
Nothing I can do
I’m worthless and useless and powerless
I can’t help thinking that I was meant to be there
This is the reason and time we met for
And I screwed it all up too soon
And there’s nothing I can do to fix it