I try to write something
Clever and creative
But all that comes out
Is heavy-handed garbage
When all I can think about
Is how impotent and useless
I’ve turned out to be
Things that mean so much to me
Have been stripped away
And left me feeling empty
Yet there’s nothing to replace them
I struggle again for meaning
Which you’d think I’d know by now
I thought I’d found it all
But I’ve crashed and burned so many times
I’d expect to survive another fall
But these two back to back have left me
There’s no better word for it
I’m stuck here at rock bottom
Unable to climb out
After putting too much importance
On my place in the world
Where there just doesn’t seem to be
A place for me at all
I can’t be what I’m meant to be
When the spot is ripped away
I can’t be what I’m best at
When I’m replaced or abandoned
So quickly and easily
These moments of doubt and failure
This time have left me broken
And I don’t know how to fix me anymore
Or if it’s even worth it
All the times I’ve been walked away from
Maybe that’s the answer
Maybe I’m just supposed to walk away myself…