Lost in a Memory

I got lost today in a memory
A picture of better times
Brighter times
When life was full of promise
And everything was still new
I hadn’t thought of you
Or them or then
In forever
But just a glimpse brought back to me
What seems like a lifetime ago
The salt and sand
The storm coming in
We probably shouldn’t have been there
And why we even went is lost to time
But that day we made memories
I remember that being something you held dear
And I didn’t get the importance then
But looking back now, I wish I’d had
The foresight you seemed to possess
We were all so happy then
I can’t help but wonder where you are now
I hope the world’s been kind enough
Kinder than it has to me
And I wish that I had more time to spend
Lost in memories of then
For that’s a much better place than here and now