Poor little fool
So frustrated, all alone
No one left to turn to
You did this to yourself, you know
You always make the wrong moves
A lifetime of faulty choices
And borderline obsession
You sad, broken man
Not sure anything can fix you
No one but you yourself can patch those holes
Others may have put them there
With sharpened words and metaphorical knives
But you put yourself in the line of fire
Every damn time
You set yourself up to fail
And act surprised when it all crumbles
Someday maybe you’ll learn
Just what it is you’re doing wrong
That ruins every good thing you’ve got
But I wouldn’t bet on it
You’ll screw it up again
And again and again
Over and over
The answer is just not to try
For trying leads to failing
And trusting leads to betrayal
And opening your mouth
Means words that won’t be understood
So give up, let go, move on
Before the next collapse
It may just be the one that ends you