What a beautiful disaster this turned out to be
Two broken people cutting each other on their jagged edges
What should’ve been solid turned bitter and ugly
Through misunderstanding and miscommunication
I tried so hard to be what I thought you needed
Tilting at windmills that weren’t mine to hunt
When in the end I had everything I wanted
And threw it away by going too far
But you looked for meaning where there was none
Made reasonable assumptions for if I were normal
But I’m anything but, if I haven’t made it clear
And I never meant to hurt or to try to steal you away
I only ever wanted to see you be happy
I just convinced myself I knew what that looked like
Better than even you did
Conceited obsession by a fool
Too caught up in being helpful
To actually help anyone
Trying to tell someone that he knows better than they do
Especially someone that would stand up and fight
When finally pushed up against proverbial walls
And though I hadn’t backed you into any corners
My fumbling ignorance could be misread
All it would’ve taken was a little more forethought
To stop and consider the source and the meaning
And I know it meant more to me than to you
Still, you can’t be happy with how things turned out
Maybe it’s too late and maybe I’d better
Just give up and move on and let this all go
Something won’t let me
I wish I knew why