These Blank Pages

If only I could sit here
and pour my heart out on these pages
what beautiful words I could weave
If I could get my thoughts together
I could paint you pictures
of awe-inspiring fantasies
and then maybe you would understand
But my muse is failing me
as I struggle to find the meanings
hidden in this language
to unlock your heart and soul
There’s just no sentence I could form
that adequately captures
the beauty and desire
that I wish I could share with you
The intrusion of reality
and all my insecurities
doesn’t help me gather
what little wit and wisdom
I have at my disposal
I feel just like a failure
a silver-tongued fool
tied up, twisted,
by the trappings a dream
that will never come true
no matter how I try
and so I sit here still
the blankness of the canvas
mocking me endlessly
Not sure there’s even a point
No sense in trying again
when nothing yet has done much good
and every attempt to show you
has ended in disaster
I just can’t make you see
this world that only I can know
you won’t let me let you in
no matter what I say or do
so maybe it’s my lot in life
to sit and star at these blank pagers
to let the dream unfold before me
for my eyes to see alone