I can see you there
Hidden underneath fake smiles
Reminding yourself constantly
How you’re supposed to feel
You don’t have to do that
You don’t have to lock away
Your imperfect thoughts and feelings
No lights shine without creating shadow
And nothing is ever perfect for forever
Let it out
You don’t always have to wear the armor
I’ve seen the scars
They make you who you are
You don’t always have to have a good day
No need to force it
Or to be someone that you’re not
Let the bad days come
Sometimes fighting only drags you down
Rest, recharge,
so that the light may shine
and the smiles may be as bright as the sun
Month: October 2019
Fairy Tales
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
It was supposed to be a fairy-tale
damsel in distress
ride in on the white horse
sweep her up
carry her off
right into the happily ever after
But Prince Charming is a mess
and there’s no horse at all
and the damsel already has a knight
but she’s still in distress
and there is no happy ending
for anyone.
Nothing’s what it was supposed to be
the stories lie
meant to give you just enough hope
to keep you moving
but what happens when you don’t feel much like moving anymore
when the struggle gets too real
the hole gets too deep
and the fairy-tale facade falls off
to show the ugly warts beneath?
Hold On
You suffer in silence
with all that weight on your shoulders
the light in your eyes trying to shine
through so much pain
and my heart breaks
seeing the secrets you try to hide
I’ve found you
lost in the seas
and I’m trying to reach you
but with every passing moment you turn
further from the shore
hold on
don’t let go quite yet
split the darkness
let your life shine through
and I will find you
and help you carry that load
so that you may rise again
I can’t save you by myself
but I can share my strength
so that the burdens aren’t quite what they seem
and your light can guide you home.
The Words
I’m staring at the blank page
trying to force the words to come
but they refuse
I don’t even know where to begin
(and apparently neither do they)
All I want to do
is tell the world how I feel about you
to shout it from proverbial rooftops
just how precious a gift you are
and how often I thank God
or fate
or whatever
for the chance to get to know you
and bask in the presence of your beautiful soul
but this is the best I can do
The world has no words to explain
just how much you mean
or just how amazing you are
so strong
so fragile
so perfect in human imperfection
a study in contrasts
such rare beauty
in a life so often ugly and hard
I’ll never be able to capture the essence
of how truly wonderful you are
I’m just a man
hampered by the incompleteness of human thought
caught up in the aura
unable to share just how and why
you bring such joy.
I wish I could just ride in
And sweep you off your feet
Give you all you ever wanted
Be your heart’s desire
I want nothing more
Than to be everything
For you
Everything I’ll never be