The Missing Pieces

They say what you don’t know can’t hurt you
but here I am left bleeding
‘Cause I didn’t see it coming
when you stabbed me in the back
and though I’m sure I’ll live to tell the tale
I can’t help wondering about the missing pieces
I thought we were headed
in the same direction
and yet I’m stuck here in the dark
as you disappear
What happened to the sparks I felt
when looking in your eyes?
How did you cut the cord
between our souls?
When was it that you realized
that I wasn’t enough for you?
How’d the whole thing die this silent death?
I guess my world just wasn’t big enough to hold you
I always tried to hold you higher
Guess it was my time to fall
I’ll likely never know the reasons
or the truth behind deception
I’m buried under questions that you’ll never hear me ask

I think my muse is trying to overwhelm me after being silent for quite some time. Another piece drawn from music (seems that listening to The Weeknd after a little light drinking is just enough t oget the mental juices flowing), this is another one I’m kinda proud of…

Watching As You Walk Away

Watching as you walk away
(like I haven’t been here before)
Standing still
not sure what to say or do
Reach out
Fall down
Give up
Is there any difference now?
How can I change your mind?
How can I convince you
to slow down
turn around
maybe even listen?
I can’t, I know
I’ve tried it all before
So instead I’ll save the time
the pain
the wasted effort
and let you walk away
just like all the rest…

Well isn’t this just a depressing bit o’ fluff? This one was one of those “musical inspiration” moments, thankfully, with a slight splash of far-from-recent personal experience to draw from. 

Has Me Thinking

This music has me thinking
Has me wishing
That you might like to dance
Take a chance and roll the dice
On you and I tonight
And in the morning light
We might find something more
On the the other side
Of this door that I’m afraid to open
Too afraid to find the answers
Might not fit the questions
That I find myself asking
But I’d like nothing more
Than the find out if we’re up to the task
Give me a shot, a sign,  a signal
That it’s not all in my head
Before this desire leaves me broken
Grab my hand and let me take you
To the places only I can show you
Let me know you as more than just a fantasy..

Three ideas competing in my head that just wouldn’t come out gave way to this one out of nowhere. I think this is my favorite thing I’ve written in a long time…


Don’t talk like that
Don’t say those words
and expect me to forget
Don’t build it all up
just to let it fall apart
Don’t put something out there
that can’t be taken back
Don’t stretch out a hand
you won’t let me take
Don’t open that door
just to slam it in my face
Because I can’t help it
I’ll try to walk through
I’ll try to reach out
I’ll cling to every word that’s spoken
(even if I know better)
There’s a part of me
that really is that desperate
that really is that hopeful
always looking for an opening
It doesn’t understand
when you toss out hypotheticals
It can’t tell the truth
from vague possibilities
It just knows
that time is of the essence
and nothing lasts forever
and all the other cliches
It can see
that here we are together
and that we’re sharing moments
that in another world might mean more
if you care at all
take heed of what you’re doing
We both know there’s nothing
So before you take it somewhere
we both now it cannot go

First thing I’ve written in quite some time, inspired by all the “usual suspects” that my muse apparently enjoys drawing from. Y’know, one part personal experiences, a more-than-handful of exaggeration, mix in some external lyrical and poetic inspiration, and BAM! Instant freeform poetry.