Get your shit together
Go back to the start
Your head and your heart
should be on the same page
Remember what’s important
what’s real and what’s true
Be open, be free
Try anything, everything
Don’t be afraid to live
I’m not sure this one’s really finished, but this is the point where I started to break down writing it, so I’m calling it.
You don’t know me
not like you seem to think
How can that be?
13 years later
That’s what you remember
Who I was then
Who I was 8 years ago
Not who I am now
Not what I come to be
What I’ve been through
How I’ve changed and grown
Who I am inside
You write me off
based on false assumptions
old recollections
You made up your mind
far too long ago
So why am I fighting?
Why not just write you off?
It came so easy to you
I’m nothing to you now
just like I’ve been for years
An afterthought
To be used and tossed aside
(or at least that how it seems)
so why can’t I do that?
Why can’t I shut it off?
Why do I care what you think?
You’ll do as you want
with excuses galore
(as is your right)
and I’ll be left behind
as always
so fuck it
I’m done
done thinking
done fighting
done coming up with ways to convince you
because nothing will
The truth doesn’t matter
You have your illusions
You’ll do with as you wish
I’ll just have to come up with my own
Well, THAT was cathartic. Hope everyone enjoys the product of my near-breakdown. I sure feel better now that I let it all out. Too bad all this venting via poetry and blog does jack squat to fix the situation I’m in. I’m blaming this all on alcohol, though I’m not sure I can explain why…